While Tilted Kilt non-fanboy Eric certainly appears to be a South Plains Panty Dropper™ short a Lubbockian 'stache, but maybe that doesn't translate well to the Metroplex, so he prefers to pay to enjoy the scenery. To each their own, Eric, but it does up the ick factor when one of your high school students works there. On the other hand, would you like to have to foist your bosoms on the table of the man that is grading your shop project to get a better tip knowing how much he makes a year (oh, those abysmal teacher salaries)? At least Grandma Debbie, who is a fan of Freebirds (what do you get on your Monster burrito?), a Pastor, and Pants on the Ground, is creeped out by it. FWIW, I think the food is pretty good at the Kilt, I'd give them 4 stars, but I have no conflict of interest when eating there.
Shout out to the lovely city of Lamesa, the original Panhandle Panty Dropper™ actor Chris Gomez, and all the attorneys out there.
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